Inside-Out Coaching ACADEMY

Mental Wellbeing

Focus on your mental wellbeing

Enhance your mental wellbeing with our self-paced coaching modules! Discover ‘Honour Your Values’, ‘Love Yourself’, and ‘Stress Busters’—three courses designed to bring you daily inner balance, calm, and resilience whatever else is happening. Ready to strengthen your mental health muscles? Open this section now and start your self-development journey!

Mental Wellbeing

Honour Your Values

This module is for you if you want to Define, honour and nurture your values until they become a compass for life. Aligning with your ‘North Star’ core values makes...


Mental Wellbeing

Love Yourself

This module is for you if you want to discover and connect quickly to the strengths and resources within you that are truly worth loving then develop them until they...


Mental Wellbeing

Stress Busters

We all get stressed from time to time and a little stress can keep us on our toes and performing well. This module is for the times when you need...
